Dye Testing and Visual Inspection

Sometimes low-tech is the best option but in most cases that means getting wet. The team at San Diego Leak Specialists is not scared of the dirty work. We will suit up and dye test your pool, spa, or fountains trouble areas. Dye testing seems a lot more simple than it actually is. If untrained it is easy to miss a leak that is literally right in front of your face. Our highly trained team will preform a meticulous dye test and visual inspection both around your pool and also underwater. This means we wont miss a leak in the back of a light or bottom drain.

When we combine our dye testing and visual inspection expertise with our high tech equipment, there is no leak we cant find.

Click here to learn more about - Electronic Leak Detection / Listining Devices

Click here to learn more about - Swimming Pool Pressure Testing

Swimming Pool Dye Test