Electronic Leak Detection / Listining Devices

At San Diego Leak Specialists, we come prepared! We carry the worlds most advanced leak detection technology. This equipment allows us to locate leaks that other companies simply can not. Our high powered leak listening devices allow us to find pipe leaks deep underground and even under cement slabs. We are able to pinpoint these leaks so accurately that they can be repaired with minimal damage to your deck, patio, or lawn. This accuracy can save you thousands in repair costs. These listening devices are not limited to underground plumbing and can also be used to locate many other types of leaks in and around your pool, spa, and water features.

Our electronic leak detection equipment doesn't end with leak locating listing devices. We have a lot more tricks up our sleeves including waterproof cameras capable of entering pipes, light conduits, and other hard to see places. These cameras can inject dye so we can be certain a trouble area is in-fact leaking.

Long story short, if you call San Diego Leak Specialists you can rest assured we will come prepared to tackle any swimming pool, spa, or water feature leak issue you may have. With our high tech leak detection equipment combined with pressure testing, dye testing and visual inspection we will leave no leak unfound.

Click here to learn more about - Swimming Pool Pressure Testing

Click here to learn more about - Dye Testing and Visual Inspection

Pool Leak Listining Device